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Major life changes during the 9th month of pregnancy

The dilemma of pregnancy

Major life changes during the 9th month of pregnancy When the time comes that you are about to enter the final month of pregnancy then you need to expect a lot of changes to your physical and emotional aspect. As the baby grows inside your womb you are also suffering from lots of discomforts in the body. During this stage, the weight gain during pregnancy is increased. As the baby descends, you may also feel a lot of pressure at the lower extremities of the body. The pregnancy weight gain can also affect the mother’s health status. It is not recommended for them to eat any foods they like. They should strictly follow the guidelines for pregnancy healthy diet in order for them to achieve the optimal body weight for pregnancy.

The pregnant belly is very prominent and the changes in skin color are also imminent. It is known as the linea nigra. This is very common and it normal. Many women may seem to think it as a bloating during pregnancy. As long as the baby did not descend yet, the pregnant woman may suffer from respiratory problems such as difficulty of breathing. The baby compresses the lungs which can’t expand normally. As the lung presses the heart, the pregnant mother may also suffer from heartburn.

Specific body discomforts during the last month of pregnancy

Here are the following discomforts that occur during the last trimester of the pregnancy:

  • Heartburn
    This is due to the compression of the heart by the lungs. It is also caused by increasing production of progesterone (hormone responsible for pregnancy). In order for them to alleviate this condition, they need to eat small, frequent feeding spread throughout the day. They need to avoid foods which are very fatty and caffeine products. As the weight gain during pregnancy increases, she should be suffering from decreased motility of the intestine. This is why we recommend them to remain upright for at least 1 hour after eating.
  • Backache
    The back pain during pregnancy is very common and it is because of the descending baby and changes in the gravity of the pregnant woman causing her to lose her balance. It is also due to the postural adjustment of pregnancy which develops with enlarging uterus. In order for them to lessen back pain during pregnancy, they need to use proper body mechanics. We encourage them to maintain good posture. Pregnant woman should also wear low-to-mid heel shoes. It is also recommended for them to walk with her pelvis tilted forward. They can also apply local heat to the back if needed. Pregnant woman should sleep on a firmer mattress or using a board under the current mattress to add firmness. They can also practice pelvic rocking or tilting exercises. This way they can alleviate their sufferings from back pain during pregnancy.
  • Leg cramps
    The pregnancy weight gain increases wherein the pregnant belly is prominent can contribute to the added weight of pregnant mother. As the lower back pain during pregnancy occurs, the leg also suffers from increased pressure and tension. In order for them to lessen the discomfort, they need to have an optimal intake of calcium and phosphorus. We also encourage them to take frequent rest periods with the legs slightly elevated. They can also wear warm clothing. Leg cramps due to bloating during pregnancy is instructed to pull the toes up toward the leg while pressing down on the knee.
  • Hemorrhoids
    The weight gain during pregnancy can also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. It is because of the growing baby, the weight of the mother is affected. The pressure goes into the pelvic veins due to the enlarging uterus. It can also be caused by symptoms of constipation which is very common in the last month of pregnancy. In order for them to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, we recommend them to avoid constipation. We caution the pregnant mothers against prolonged standing and wearing restrictive clothing. We also suggest them to use topical ointment or anesthetic if allowed. The pregnant mother with increasing pregnancy weight gain should also use witch hazel compresses. They can also perform sitz baths or applying of warm soaks. As the pregnant belly affects the sleeping pattern of the mother, we advise them to lie on their left side with their feet slightly elevated. This way, they will lessen the agony of hemorrhoids and at the same time can achieve optimal sleeping pattern.
  • Constipation
    Since the baby is moving rapidly at the last month of the pregnancy, the bowel sluggishness which is caused by the increasing production of progesterone and steroid hormone can cause constipation. In order for them to relieve from this discomfort, we encourage them to engage in moderate daily exercises. We also advise them to increase intake of fluids and foods high in fiber. As the bloating during pregnancy is present, we urge them to maintain a regular elimination patterns and avoid ignoring the urge to defecate. The pregnant woman is cautioned by using mineral oil, which can deplete her level of fat-soluble vitamins.
See also  Final stages of pregnancy

As the weight gain in pregnancy increases the morbidity of backache during pregnancy is also increasing. This is just a normal changes in the physical aspect of a pregnant mother and they need to carefully understand this as they prepare themselves for the upcoming delivery.

Delores C. West is a compassionate healthcare professional with a focus on women's health and wellness. As a certified nurse-midwife, Delores is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to women throughout their reproductive journey. With a warm and nurturing approach, she empowers her patients to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Delores's expertise in women's health makes her a trusted resource for individuals seeking personalized and compassionate care. Connect with her on LinkedIn to learn more about her commitment to women's health and wellness.