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Some worries about Implantation Bleeding

When does implantation bleeding usually occur?

Some worries about Implantation Bleeding The pregnancy implantation bleeding is considered as vaginal discharges that may consist of minimal amount of pinkish or coffee brown blood. Based on the current reports, only about 1/3 of pregnancy mother can experience ovulation bleeding or implantation bleeding.

This condition can usually occur at a certain point wherein the fertilized egg is being implanted in the uterine wall with an average range between 1 to 2 weeks after ovulation.

If this condition occurs, should I need to worry?

There is nothing to be worried about the implantation bleeding since there is minimal quantity of blood being released. Not unless it is associated with implantation bleeding and implantation cramping, discomfort at the back area or increased amount of blood loss.

If this is implantation spotting, when is the best time for me to know that I’m pregnant? There are pregnancy tests based on a very modest standard. Most of it may require you to use your urine as a sample for the test. This way you can detect the amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG levels which is present in the urine. This particular hormone is being released by the developing placenta right after the fertilized egg is ready during the time of implantation. It is usually implanted in the lining of the uterus.

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The Basis

The baseline data used to determine if a woman is pregnant is based on the level of the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The amount of hCG in her system must be around 25 mIU at 10 days past ovulation. At 12 days past ovulation, she should have at least 50 mIU and for about 14 days past ovulation, she should reach at least 100 mIU of hCG. Since the hCG is considered as high sensitivity factor, at least 20 mIU/ml of hCG in detecting the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, both the pregnancy strip test can confirm early pregnancy. As early as 6 to 8 days past ovulation though there are many cases reporting that this test can provide them with a positive result at around 9 or 10 days past ovulation.

Signs Of Implantation Bleeding

One of the least common pregnancy symptoms at an early stage can occur to some women. This is implantation bleeding. Although most of them may not properly observe it, the implantation spotting can happen once the fertilized ovum is being implanted in the wall of the uterus.

How To Recognize The Implantation Bleeding Symptoms

At around 1 to 2 weeks after the fertilization of the ovum, it will be implanted into the walls of the uterus. Once it has initiated its activity, a very minimal amount of uterine lining will be disrupted and released. This minimal quantity of blood may be observed as vaginal spotting or bleeding. According to most OB Gynecologist, they have estimated for less than 1/3 of pregnant women may encounter implantation spotting. Since most of them do not experience it and they don’t considered it as a presumptive sign of pregnancy.

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If in some cases that you are not able to encounter this sign, you don’t need to interpret this as a sign of suspected pregnancy. All you have to do is to observe for further appearances of signs as part of the presumptive lookouts for pregnancy. You can also use a pregnancy strip test for your own perusal.

How Light Is Light Discharges

Once this condition occurs, it usually very light. Few pregnant women may observe a very light spotting with implantation bleeding duration for few hours and others may experience it for more than several days. The implantation bleeding pregnancy test will show the color of the blood which may be characterized as light and usually not dark compared to the normal menstrual period. Other women may not notice it unless they use a toilet tissue and wipe it. Others may prefer to use panty liners.

The Attack Of The Cramps

Sometimes the implantation spotting is associated with a mild to moderate levels of cramping sensation. Once the fertilize ovum is attached to the uterine wall, the manifestation may begin to appear. The implantation cramping is not new for other women as this may happen as early as 1 week before you miss a menstrual period. The implantation cramping may depend on the severity. Other women may describe is as the same to their menstrual cramping. This cramping is consistent past the time when your menstrual period is due and your uterus starts to stretch.

When Should I Get Worried?

You don’t have to worry for the time being unless the blood loss is persistent and increased. Watch out for the presence of blood clots. By this time, you should contact your OB gynecologist for further test and management of the symptoms. You should also observe for intense cramping.

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What Should I Do?

The most common thing that you need to do is to relax. This condition can be considered as a normal sign of a healthy pregnancy. Unless everything went abnormally, all you have to do is to think or relaxation techniques and prepare yourself for possible pregnancy.

Delores C. West is a compassionate healthcare professional with a focus on women's health and wellness. As a certified nurse-midwife, Delores is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to women throughout their reproductive journey. With a warm and nurturing approach, she empowers her patients to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Delores's expertise in women's health makes her a trusted resource for individuals seeking personalized and compassionate care. Connect with her on LinkedIn to learn more about her commitment to women's health and wellness.